IPA: sˈɝkjʌɫɝaɪz
- (intransitive) To publicize something by publishing and distributing circulars.
- (transitive) To distribute a circular or circulars to.
- To canvass opinion by using a questionnaire.
- (transitive) To make (something) circular in shape.
Examples of "circularize" in Sentences
- It fought to circularize at an endurable distance.
- And they will circularize the orbiter to keep it in space.
- The people on the flight deck, they're getting ready to (UNINTELLIGIBLE) to circularize the orbit.
- Then I can circularize all the auto body shops around the three states, see if anybody brought in a vehicle for damage repair in those colors.
- In another neat trick, Turner could circularize the DNA molecules being sequenced, so the sequence could be repeated and checked multiple times.
- The letter states that the union's policy "is to circularize all members of AGMA with the names of any singer who enables Steel's plans at the long term cost of jobs and livelihoods."
- And then they'll do an orbital insertion burn, depending on the parameters and then over the next day or so they'll circularize and set themselves up for rendezvous with the International Space Station.
- In fact, that is, as you mentioned, the only abort we've ever had in the space shuttle program, and that was an abort-to-orbit case, where you had enough performance to make it to orbit, but as soon as you get to orbit, you'll have to do an orbital maneuvering system burn to circularize your orbit and raise your altitude high enough.
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