
IPA: sˈɝkjʌɫeɪt


  • (intransitive) to move in circles or through a circuit
  • (transitive) to cause (a person or thing) to move in circles or through a circuit
  • to move from person to person, as at a party
  • to spread or disseminate
  • to become widely known
  • (mathematics) Of decimals: to repeat.

Examples of "circulate" in Sentences

  • He says "circulate," without saying anything about the audience for that circulation, as Greg points out.
  • Judging by the tone at DKos and elsewhere, Obama volunteers are awfully quick to voice and "circulate" insults about Clinton.
  • Over the last few weeks a new theme has started to circulate, which is, in a sense, much more potent and in any case more interesting.
  • Come now: certainly we can agree that articles from the Western press do not "circulate" in East Berlin — not among normal East Germans at any rate.
  • Leaving aside Fevola for the moment, can we not also drag into this sorry mess all of the other players who helped "circulate" the photo and who didn't say a peep about it?
  • While Johnson was less than serious about wanting to bring Sergio Aragonés' barbarian to theaters, he told MTV he'd be proud to have his name circulate in connection with the character.
  • The law says you must pay five per cent. duty on entering the country, or _at the discretion of the authorities_, bona-fide tourists will be given a temporary permit to "circulate" free.
  • Note how the WMO standard requires the air temperature observation to be measured OUTSIDE the forest and where the air can freely circulate, meaning where the tropospheric air mass can freely circulate without obstruction by any form of vegetation.
  • And I write a lot about that in the book, and I write also about our trade craft training, which is -- in a lot of ways, it's training you how to have social skills, because you're learning to kind of circulate the diplomatic cocktail circuit and use that as a venue to find potential targets.

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