IPA: sˈɝkʌmspɛkt
- Carefully aware of all circumstances; considerate of all that is pertinent.
Examples of "circumspect" in Sentences
- Gates praises Reagan for 'circumspect' use of U.S. military
- CNN: Gates praises Reagan for 'circumspect' use of U.S. military
- And I would talk to him about it, and he was kind of circumspect about the whole thing.
- I'm confused by your use of the word circumspect, though, in reference to your new location.
- I like the word "circumspect," and all of the synonyms for that word, including, "careful and sensible; marked by sound judgment; discreet."
- Defense Secretary Robert Gates praised President Ronald Reagan on Tuesday for being "circumspect" about putting American credibility or troops at risk in the absence of "a clear mission or strong odds of success."
- WASHINGTON (CNN) – Defense Secretary Robert Gates praised President Ronald Reagan on Tuesday for being "circumspect" about putting American credibility or troops at risk in the absence of "a clear mission or strong odds of success."
- And there was a period throughout the '50s when Ellington products and works were released when Ellington had the opportunity to be more effusive or to at least even acknowledge Strayhorn - when the score to "Paris Blues" was issued or the score to "Anatomy of a Murder" or the score to "Beggar's Holiday" - when he was kind of circumspect about the truth.
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