IPA: kɫˈɛnz
- An act of cleansing; a purification.
- (transitive) To free from dirt; to clean, to purify.
- (transitive) To spiritually purify; to free from guilt or sin; to purge.
- (transitive) To remove (something seen as unpleasant) from a person, place, or thing.
Examples of "cleanse" in Sentences
- After a long day in the sun, I like to cleanse my skin with a gentle facial cleanser
- It's important to cleanse your body of toxins by drinking plenty of water and eating healthy foods
- Many cultures believe in the power of certain herbs and teas to cleanse the mind and spirit
- To cleanse my thoughts and start fresh, I like to write down all my worries and then burn the paper
- The rain came down in a cleansing wash, leaving the air feeling fresh and new