IPA: kɫaɪmˈæktˈɛrɪk
- A critical stage or decisive point; a turning point.
- A period in human life in which some great change is supposed to take place, calculated in different ways by different authorities (often identified as every seventh or ninth year).
- (medicine) The period of life that leads up to and follows the end of menstruation in women; the menopause.
- Pertaining to any of several supposedly critical years of a person's life.
- Critical or crucial; decisive.
- (medicine) Relating to a period of physiological change during middle age; especially, menopausal.
- Climactic.
Examples of "climacteric" in Sentences
- The climacteric moment of the play came when the protagonist discovered the truth about their origins
- The climacteric phase of the project was when all the pieces finally fell into place and everything started to come together
- The climacteric decision of his career came when he had to choose between staying in his current job or taking a risk with a new opportunity
- The climacteric point in their relationship was when they realized they could no longer ignore their growing differences
- The climacteric factor in her success was her ability to adapt and thrive in rapidly changing circumstances