IPA: kɫˈik
- A small, exclusive group of individuals, usually according to lifestyle or social status; a cabal.
- (graph theory) A subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph.
- (Internet) A group of related web sites that link to each other, like a webring but with exclusive membership determined by the clique owner.
- (intransitive) To associate together in a clannish way; to act with others secretly to gain a desired end; to plot.
Examples of "clique" in Sentences
- In high school, I always felt like I didn't belong to any particular clique
- The popular clique at work always seemed to gossip about everyone else
- My friend group has become like a tight-knit clique over the years
- I never understood why people feel the need to be exclusive and form a clique
- She was always trying to impress the leader of the clique, hoping to be accepted