IPA: kɫˈɑkwɝk
- A mechanism powered by a coiled spring and regulated by some form of escapement; the power is transmitted through toothed gearwheels and used to drive a mechanical clock, toy, or other device.
- The action of behaving mechanically in the manner of a clock.
- Driven by clockwork.
- Very smooth and regular.
Examples of "clockwork" in Sentences
- The machine operated with clockwork precision, never missing a beat
- The schedule ran like clockwork, ensuring everyone was where they needed to be on time
- The gears in the clockwork mechanism meshed perfectly, creating a smooth and efficient movement
- His daily routine was like clockwork, starting with a cup of coffee and ending with a run in the park
- The team worked together in perfect clockwork fashion, each member knowing their role and executing it flawlessly