IPA: kɫˈaʊn
- A slapstick performance artist often associated with a circus and usually characterized by bright, oversized clothing, a red nose, face paint, and a brightly colored wig.
- A person who acts in a silly fashion.
- A stupid or badly-behaved person.
- (obsolete) A man of coarse nature and manners; an awkward fellow; an illbred person; a boor.
- (obsolete) One who works upon the soil; a rustic; a churl; a yokel.
- A clownfish.
- (intransitive) To act in a silly or playful fashion.
- (transitive, African-American Vernacular) To ridicule.
Examples of "clown" in Sentences
- The circus was full of excitement and wonder, but the highlight for many was the hilarious antics of the colorful clown
- The birthday party was a hit with the kids, especially when the clown arrived with his bag of tricks and funny costumes
- Despite his bright makeup and oversized shoes, the clown's sad eyes hinted at a hidden sadness
- The creepy clown statue in the abandoned amusement park gave me chills every time I passed by
- The juggling clown brought smiles to the faces of everyone in the audience with his skillful performance