IPA: kɫˈuɫʌs
- Lacking knowledge or understanding; uninformed; oblivious.
- Without any clues or hints.
Examples of "clueless" in Sentences
- Obama got the message, but you remain clueless! shocker!
- I agree, the polling shows it, you remain clueless as usual though khunt!
- Yeah, come on everybody knows that being clueless is so down to earth and folksy.
- So, the idea of recording some lame jerk going about in clueless fashion is nothing new.
- Republicans are plain clueless and just run off at the mouth on topics they know nothing about.
- The fact that a major party official could make so little sense and sound so clueless is utterly depressing.
- Bush calling Obama "clueless" is rich ... given that Bush doesn't even know that kettles and pots are black. wALdO
- So the number of men who had sex with other men prior to even 2000, contracted the virus and remain clueless about having it are extremely small.
- He ultimately has to make people believe that a person this inept and clueless is totally self-assured in himself to the point of putting everyone else in harms way.
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