IPA: kˈoʊtʃmʌn
- A man who drives a horse-drawn coach, a male coach driver.
- (South Africa) A fish in the genus Heniochus, either Heniochus acuminatus or Heniochus diphreutes.
- A surname.
Examples of "coachman" in Sentences
- The coachman guided the horses down the winding country road, his steady hand on the reins
- The coachman's hat was pulled low over his eyes, shielding him from the harsh midday sun
- The coachman's whistle signaled to the passengers that they had arrived at their destination
- The coachman deftly maneuvered the carriage through the crowded city streets, expertly avoiding pedestrians and other vehicles
- The coachman's weathered face showed years of experience guiding travelers on their journeys