IPA: kˈoʊɫ
- (uncountable) A black or brownish black rock formed from prehistoric plant remains, composed largely of carbon and burned as a fuel.
- (countable) A type of coal, such as bituminous, anthracite, or lignite, and grades and varieties thereof, as a fuel commodity ready to buy and burn.
- (countable) A piece of coal used for burning (this use is less common in American English)
- (countable) A glowing or charred piece of coal, wood, or other solid fuel.
- charcoal.
- (Internet slang, 4chan slang) Content of low quality.
- An unincorporated community in Henry County, Missouri, United States, named after early settler Stephen Coale.
- An unincorporated community and coal town in Kanawha County, West Virginia, United States.
- Four townships in the United States, in Missouri, Ohio (2), and Pennsylvania, listed under Coal Township.
- (Internet slang, 4chan slang) To post low-quality content online.
- (intransitive) To take on a supply of coal (usually of steam ships or locomotives).
- (transitive) To supply with coal.
- (intransitive) To be converted to charcoal.
- (transitive) To burn to charcoal; to char.
- (transitive) To mark or delineate with charcoal.
- (Internet slang, slang, 4chan slang) Failing to be humorous or of extremely poor quality.
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