
IPA: kˈɑfi


  • (uncountable) A beverage made by infusing the beans of the coffee plant in hot water.
  • (countable) A serving of this beverage.
  • The seeds of the plant used to make coffee, called ‘beans’ due to their shape.
  • The powder made by roasting and grinding the seeds.
  • A tropical plant of the genus Coffea.
  • A pale brown color, like that of milk coffee.
  • The end of a meal, when coffee is served.
  • A surname.
  • Ellipsis of Coffee County. [A county of Alabama, United States. County seat: Elba.]


  • (intransitive) To drink coffee.
  • (transitive) To give coffee to.


  • Of a pale brown colour, like that of milk coffee.
  • Of a table: a small, low table suitable for people in lounge seating to put coffee cups on.

Examples of "coffee" in Sentences

  • Our word coffee comes from the Arabic qahwah, whose own origin is unclear.
  • _are_ tired, and can't help being tired, say what you will -- Drink this dish of coffee, at any rate -- (_he drinks coffee_).
  • Peak varietal expression in coffee is achieved at a medium chestnut brown color (with no oil on the bean surface) called "full city."
  • The coffee, and eggs, and bread and butter, which they had early in the morning, was not called _breakfast_; it was called simply _coffee_.
  • "black broth" controversy -- How Conopios introduced coffee drinking at Oxford -- The first English coffee house in Oxford -- Two English botanists on coffee_
  • VIA® Ready Brew since nearly 100 percent of retail coffee sales come from instant coffee*, "said Howard Schultz, chairman, president and ceo, Starbucks Coffee Company.
  • ˜coffee™ analogy to illustrate this: even if a reliable coffee machine were independently valuable, it would not thereby confer additional value on a good cup of coffee.
  • fjpoblam: [editorial corrections] (1) radio gently *wakes* us; (2) listening and drinking morning coffee *while reading the morning coffee*; (3) omitted news magazines [end of edit]
  • Water left in the tea-kettle over night _must never be used for preparing the breakfast coffee_; no matter how excellent your coffee or tea may be, it will be ruined by the addition of water that has been boiled more than once.

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