
IPA: kɑgnˈɪʃʌn


  • The process of knowing, of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought and through the senses.
  • (countable) A result of a cognitive process.

Examples of "cognition" in Sentences

  • Does everyone in ID think all this research into cognition is useless, a waste of money?
  • Behavior Therapy – encourage persons to behave differently can cause new changes in cognition
  • Bounded cognition is a huge problem for EMH — most people cannot actually grasp what is going on.
  • The Alzheimer's Association and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say all adults can take steps to improve or maintain cognition:
  • It should, however, be noted that there are similar difficulties in defining the term cognition Holyoak and Gordon 1984, p. 62, and, of course, rationality.
  • If there were any categories where blacks did better as a group, I think it would come down to comparability (i. e that cognition is not directly comparable because of different statistical strengths and weaknesses).
  • This is consistent with Wikipedia's definition: "The term cognition Latin: cognoscere, "to know", "to conceptualize" or "to recognize" refers to a faculty for the processing of information, applying knowledge, and changing preferences."

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synonyms for cognitiondescribing words for cognition

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