
IPA: kˈoʊmd


  • Arranged or groomed with a comb
  • Having a comb or crest

Examples of "combed" in Sentences

  • Yarn made from combed fibers is called combed yarn.
  • "But it 's me that 's gettin 'combed," wailed Danny.
  • There was nothing "combed" or "fixed" about Miss Asenath's Woods; no white-washed trees or clipped grass.
  • A day later, I joked about turning back while driving to Brooklyn to have my children "combed" by an Orthodox Jew lovingly referred to as The Lice Lady.
  • A single masterly stroke sufficed to draw the cylindrical stalk from one joint to another, or the pointed leaves which are so quivering with life that we seem to hear the plaintive voice of the wind "combed," as the Chinese writings express it, "by the reeds."
  • Dante, in a famous chapter of the _De Vulgari Eloquio_ [102] laid down a fourfold distinction among words on the analogy of the varying texture of the hair; enjoining the poet to avoid both the extremes of smoothness and roughness, -- to prefer the "combed" and the "shaggy" to the "tousled" and the "sleek."
  • Medes and Assyrians, Virgil is the most ancient writer, who expressly mentions the soft wool which was combed from the trees of the Seres or Chinese; 62 and this natural error, less marvellous than the truth, was slowly corrected by the knowledge of a valuable insect, the first artificer of the luxury of nations.

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