
IPA: kʌmˈɛndʌbʌɫ


  • Worthy of commendation; deserving praise; admirable, creditable, or meritorious.

Examples of "commendable" in Sentences

  • How Gray can say that the local and state pols did a commendable is beyond me.
  • “How Gray can say that the local and state pols did a commendable is beyond me.”
  • Their teaching must be rated at least "commendable" - the second highest rating.
  • Their teaching must be rated at least "commendable" -- the second highest rating.
  • Really what MS did here, although commendable, is nothing more than a little bit of polish on top of a standard VM solution.
  • Equally commendable is the Prime Minister's efforts to reform the U.K. welfare system, spending for which rose by some 40% during the governments of Gordon Brown and Tony Blair.
  • What I find remarkable and commendable is how many chances she was given to retract, amend or otherwise clarify that her intentions were benign, all of which she rejected with apparent contempt.

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