
IPA: kʌmˈɝʃʌɫaɪzd


  • organized principally for financial gain

Examples of "commercialized" in Sentences

  • For them, Día de Muertos becoming commercialized is a good thing.
  • I realize that it's probably too "commercialized" for literary artistes and I'm sure they're not all great works.
  • Painting also suffered the same fate when the presumption of the Egyptians "commercialized" that incomparable art.
  • Hardcore gamers are, I think, the most likely to call games 'dumbed down', 'sold out' or 'commercialized' - simply because these games don't fit their purist notions of what makes a good game.
  • But this is to confuse the practice of a certain kind of commercialized storytelling with realism, the latter of which probably becomes more genuine the farther away it gets from storytelling.
  • Jackson - I find it quite difficult to criticize the man for a 'commercialized' apporoach when this 'commercialized' approached has caused millions of Catholics around the world to leave the Church, either into protestantism or sin.

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