IPA: kˈɑmpɝʌbʌɫ
- Something suitable for comparison.
- (often with to) Able to be compared (to).
- (often with to) Similar (to); like.
- (mathematics) Constituting a pair in a particular partial order.
- (grammar) Said of an adjective that has comparative and superlative forms.
Examples of "comparable" in Sentences
- It was the largest employment decrease since the agency began keeping what it described as comparable figures in 1976.
- They have signs indicating rates of about 650 pesos which is considerably less expensive than staying in comparable places in Laredo.
- KING: He wrote in his autobiography ten years ago he started dating you to escape cocaine which he described as comparable to jumping in a lake to avoid getting wet.
- When the late Canadian radio host Peter Gzowski had a competition to come up with a phrase comparable to “American as apple pie,” the winner was “As Canadian as possible, under the circumstances.”
- The first to his boss, Fred Fielding, on Feb. 3, 1984 denounced the notion of equal pay for comparable worth, saying It is difficult to exaggerate the perniciousness of the comparable worth theory.
- Direct Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to compare pay scales in job categories held mostly by women or mostly by men, and then enforce wage control to equalize wages according to the feminists 'subjective definition of what they call comparable worth.
- U.S. District Judge Denny Chin cited the unprecedented nature of the multibillion-dollar fraud as he sentenced Madoff to the maximum of 150 years in prison, a term comparable only to those given in the past to terrorists, traitors and the most violent criminals.
- From there, they're going to look at other properties in the neighborhood that have sold, and use those as what we call comparable sales, to compare to the property, to say if the sale sold for X amount of dollars, what should the subject property sell for in the open markets?