IPA: kˈɑmpɫɛks
- A problem.
- A network of interconnected systems.
- A collection of buildings with a common purpose, such as a university or military base.
- An assemblage of related things; a collection.
- An organized cluster of thunderstorms.
- A cluster of wildfires burning in the same vicinity.
- (taxonomy) A group of closely related species, often distinguished only with difficulty by traditional morphological methods.
- (psychoanalysis) A collection of ideas caused by repressed emotions that leads to an abnormal mental condition
- (informal, by extension) A vehement, often excessive psychological dislike or fear of a particular thing.
- (chemistry) A structure consisting of a central atom or molecule weakly connected to surrounding atoms or molecules, as for example coordination complexes in inorganic chemistry and protein complexes in biochemistry.
- (mathematics) A complex number.
- (linguistics) A multimorphemic word, one with several parts, one with affixes.
- (chemistry, intransitive) To form a complex with another substance
- (transitive) To complicate.
- Made up of multiple parts; composite; not simple.
- Not simple, easy, or straightforward; complicated.
- (mathematics, of a number) Having the form a + bi, where a and b are real numbers and i is (by definition) the imaginary square root of −1.
- (mathematics, mathematical analysis, of a function) Whose range is a subset of the complex numbers.
- (mathematics, algebra) Whose coefficients are complex numbers; defined over the field of complex numbers.
- (geometry) A curve, polygon or other figure that crosses or intersects itself.
Examples of "complex" in Sentences
- I shuddered a little on encountering the phrase "complex polyvocal, transhistorical schematic."
- The term complex is used by doctors to describe a person who is between being fully alert and unconscious.
- The commission will also work out a strategy to tackle what it calls the "complex phenomenon" of illegal music downloading.
- Developed by Heydey Partnership, the complex is aiming to prove that modern sustainably built homes can be affordable as well.
- But believe me when I say this complex is there, an ugly little current pushing female characters toward one pole or the other.
- Their incoming top officer, General Jim Amos, recently told an audience the Corps has long been adept at quickly solving what he called complex and nasty security problems.
- 78 Day 4 The variable z so defined has now a real and an imaginary part that can be individually addressed using, respectively, the syntax: __real__ z and __imag__ z Similarly, the next declaration produces a complex variable of 32-bit integer type: __complex__ int x;
- Then is Perception, in the prefent way of confidering it, faid to be fimple, when the Objeft of it is fimple, and then complex when the Objeft of it is complex* And fince the intire and ade - quate Objeft of Thought (as will hereafter ap - pear) is cpmprifed within the compafs of Ideas and of their Relations, we may more explicitly fay that then is Perception fimple when it is tlie Contemplation of Ideas only, and then complex when with the Ideas it takes in alfo the Confideration of their Relations and effen - tial Habitudes.