IPA: kɑmpʌzˈɪʃʌn
- The act of putting together; assembly.
- A mixture or compound; the result of composing.
- The proportion of different parts to make a whole.
- The general makeup of a thing or person.
- (obsolete) An agreement or treaty used to settle differences; later especially, an agreement to stop hostilities; a truce.
- (obsolete) A payment of money in order to clear a liability or obligation; a settling or fine.
- (Singapore, law) A payment of fine in order to settle a (usually minor) criminal charge.
- (law) an agreement or compromise by which a creditor or group of creditors accepts partial payment from a debtor.
- An essay.
- (linguistics) The formation of compound words from separate words.
- A work of music, literature or art.
- (printing) Typesetting.
- (mathematics) Applying a function to the result of another.
- (physics) The compounding of two velocities or forces into a single equivalent velocity or force.
- (obsolete) Consistency; accord; congruity.
- Synthesis as opposed to analysis.
- (painting, photography) The arrangement and flow of elements in a picture.
- (object-oriented programming) Way to combine simple objects or data types into more complex ones.
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