IPA: kɑmpjʌtˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of computing; calculation; reckoning.
- The result of computation; the amount computed.
Examples of "computation" in Sentences
- A special, beneficial computation is applied for those years.
- "The universality of computation is the most profound thing in the universe," he says.
- I like the term computation expressions - it is the same thing as monads in Haskell or workflows in F#.
- As the content width and height cannot be negative ([CSS21], section 10.2), this computation is floored at 0.
- The promise of molecular computation is that it would allow billions of calculations to occur simultaneously in a test tube.
- Plant cells have very few microtubules (very small E); whether they have quantum isolation and quantum computation is unknown.
- When we are making a transition from a world in which computation is just one element to a world in which computation is our central concept.
- The fact that AI guys like yourself must be the ultimate source of evolutionary computation, is consistent with the claims of No Free Lunch (NFL) ….
- Since computation is absolutely independent of the "hardware" it runs on, studying it can tell us nothing about the nature or existence of that platform.
- Great blog featuring a series of tutorials on complexity in computation, the theoretical limits of the Turing Machine, and other bits of required knowledge for the 21st Century.