IPA: kʌnkˈɝʌnt
- One who, or that which, concurs; a joint or contributory cause.
- One pursuing the same course, or seeking the same objects; hence, a rival; an opponent.
- One of the supernumerary days of the year over fifty-two complete weeks; so called because they concur with the solar cycle, the course of which they follow.
- One who accompanies a sheriff's officer as witness.
- Happening at the same time; simultaneous.
- Belonging to the same period; contemporary.
- Acting in conjunction; agreeing in the same act or opinion; contributing to the same event or effect.
- Joint and equal in authority; taking cognizance of similar questions; operating on the same objects.
- (geometry) Meeting in one point.
- Running alongside one another on parallel courses; moving together in space.
- (computing, of code) Designed to run independently, rather than sequentially, using various mechanisms, such as threads, event loops or time-slicing.
Examples of "concurrent" in Sentences
- It's what we call our concurrent users or CCU, for short.
- One way of speeding things up, being pioneered by Coram, is what it calls "concurrent planning".
- It was simply a clerical error in terms of putting the word "concurrent" in the order, in the sentence before it said that she shall serve it upon release.
- And, I'd argue that without as many huge names competing in concurrent sessions, attendees will try more new authors than they would if they were intent on seeing their big-draw favorites.
- In addition, in concurrent studies she is evaluating other aspects of sleep-disordered breathing, including diagnostic techniques and treatment, with an emphasis on noninvasive ventilation.
- But apparently the FTC would have backup authority for the things over which it currently has jurisdiction, and would retain concurrent authority over fraud in things like credit repair and foreclosure rescue.
- NASA funding would be adequate to engage in concurrent engineering for our new systems and programs if the people knew the potential impact of not rapidly developing our capabilities and understanding of the space environment.