IPA: kɑndʌnsˈeɪʃʌn
- The act or process of condensing or of being condensed
- The state of being condensed.
- (physics) The conversion of a gas to a liquid.
- The condensate so formed.
- (chemistry) The reaction of two substances with the simultaneous loss of water or other small molecule.
- (psychology) when a single idea (an image, memory, or thought) or dream object stands for several associations and ideas.
- A condensed work; an abridged version or compendium.
Examples of "condensation" in Sentences
- The glass of cold water began to sweat with condensation as the room temperature rose
- The early morning air was thick with condensation, making everything look dewy and fresh
- The scientist explained how condensation occurs when warm air cools, causing water vapor to turn into droplets
- The window was covered with condensation, obscuring the view outside
- The condensation on the mirror made it difficult to see our reflections clearly after a hot shower