IPA: kʌnfˈɛʃʌn
- The open admittance of having done something (especially something bad).
- A formal document providing such an admission.
- (Christianity) The disclosure of one's sins to a priest for absolution. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is now also termed the sacrament of reconciliation.
- Acknowledgment of belief; profession of one's faith.
- A formula in which the articles of faith are comprised; a creed to be assented to or signed, as a preliminary to admission to membership of a church; a confession of faith.
Examples of "confession" in Sentences
- He later recanted the confession.
- The confession was signed by the witnesses.
- Bourne sends the tape of the confession to Landy.
- The basis of the league is the Augsburg Confession.
- But we have what I call a confession plus in this case.
- A confession permitted access to the Apostle's sepulcher.
- The books are written as the confession of the antagonist.
- His publisher says she's printing what she calls his confession because she was a victim of domestic abuse.
- Later still the term confession was adopted for the hollow reliquary in an altar (Ordo Rom. de dedic. altaris).
- "I take offense with the word confession cause Amanda never says that she participated in the murder of her friend ... she never confesses to being part of that crime, ever," said Mellas.
- For the Russian Orthodox, the confession is an elaborate, intimate institution; the obligation is very much on the side of the confessing party, and there is great reverence for the confessor.
- _from confession (exomologesis), consider in_ thine heart that hell-fire which _confession shall quench for thee_; and first imagine to thyself the greatness of the punishment, that thou mayest not doubt concerning the adoption of the remedy.