
IPA: kʌnfˈaɪnɪŋ


  • limiting; restrictive

Examples of "confining" in Sentences

  • They branded and succeeded in confining the growth of the DK to Tamil Nadu.
  • The lock on this door had never been designed with the idea of confining a thief.
  • He issued this order under the notion of confining the attention of the clergy to the holy scriptures!
  • It may be a better place than the auction block, but it is just as confining, which is why I urge that we dismantle both.
  • When a person such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is already in custody, there is an alternative to killing him -- namely confining him for life.
  • The one covers the outer surface of the body, the other the inner surface of the ventral wall; hence they are called confining or limiting layers.
  • But, with the onset of the Age of Enlightenment in the West, the idea of confining warfare to the battlefield was, if not adhered to, at least given lip service.
  • This final section describes practices such as confining children for indefinite periods in six-by-nine foot cells, abuses that led to the appointment of a court-ordered monitor for Eufaula.
  • Premier Stofile had said workers were "first citizens before they were workers" and added that in previous decades the ANC had rejected the notion of confining trade unions to factory issues only.

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