
IPA: kɑndʒˈɔɪntɫi


  • In a conjoint manner; jointly or together

Examples of "conjointly" in Sentences

  • There is another poem by Plato dealing conjointly with the boys Alexis and Phaedrus:
  • My female friends and I have conjointly experienced a number of relationships in which our supporting role was assumed by male partners.
  • Therefore, in harmony with this structure, we need to build up our two basis networks conjointly while developing ourselves on the pathway level.
  • Alternately, Veteran Peace organizations, conjointly with other peace activist groups, could declare a Day of Mourning in the name of all Americans, even those in favor of war.
  • Sony didn't even invent the format alone, Sony & Philips did conjointly, and Warner and Panasonic are also major patent holders in the format; stop claiming Blu-ray is SONY's format — sheesh.
  • On this ground, while I sincerely thank you for referring the subject of a bas relief and other matters to me, conjointly with yourself, I must decline having any thing to do with the monument, — except on one point.
  • I also directed Wilson, who was at Alsop's house, to take possession of Spottsylvania as early as possible on the morning of the 8th, and then move into position at Snell's bridge conjointly with the other two divisions.
  • Quoth the Caliph, ‘Tell us something of its history,’ and Ka’ab said, ‘Ad the Greater170 had two sons, Shadíd and Shaddád who, when their father died, ruled conjointly in his stead, and there was no King of the Kings of the earth but was subject to them.
  • That is, while not completely air tight, and while in the strict sense gas permeable—unless proper ventilation were set up conjointly—the tent seems to have presented an actual hazard . . . particularly on a day when the wind wasn't blowing steadily and the clouds bunched up next to the hills there.

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