IPA: kɑndʒʌgˈeɪʃʌn
- The coming together of things; union.
- (biology) The temporary fusion of organisms, especially as part of sexual reproduction
- Sexual relations within marriage
- (grammar) In some languages, one of several classifications of verbs according to what inflections they take.
- (grammar) The act or process of conjugating a verb.
- (grammar) The product of that act: the conjugated forms of a verb, collected into a list or recitation.
- (chemistry) A system of delocalized orbitals consisting of alternating single bonds and double bonds
- (mathematics) A mapping sending x to gxg⁻¹, where g and x are elements of a group; inner automorphism
- (mathematics) A function which negates the non-real part of a complex or hypercomplex number; complex conjugation
Examples of "conjugation" in Sentences
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