
IPA: kʌnsˈɝvʌtɪzʌm


  • A political philosophy that advocates traditional values.
  • A risk-averse attitude or approach.

Examples of "conservatism" in Sentences

  • As an alternative to what he called the conservatism of the New Deal,
  • I was weary of the people and what they called their conservatism, which is only a phase of stupidity.
  • Last spring, as the presidential campaign was in full roar, Jonathan decided the term conservatism was so misused that he needed to write a book explaining it.
  • Will the BBC run with that idea or will it instead continue to use the subtlety of language to associate the term conservatism with the worst dregs of radical Islam?
  • If the "conserve" in the term conservatism has to do with the conservation of civilizational values, then how does one define political stances when those values are already liberal by nature?
  • Your term conservatism suggests there is a deeper basis for choice than locating the thermometer near to where it can be read, which is what I suspect is the most important siting requirement.
  • As many cringe when one hears the term conservatism, I must say I was impressed upon reading a question and answer article of two bank CEOs in Texas whose lending practices are more conservative than others.
  • As I composed yesterday's immoderate post on abortion, one of the things on my mind was that the various factions that loosely make up what we call conservatism's "right wing" have won at least one battle in the culture war.

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