
IPA: kʌntˈɛmpɝaɪz


  • To bring up to date; often specifically to set a historical narrative in a modern context
  • (marketing) To modify, repackage, or present a well-known or traditional product or brand in a way that appeals to contemporary consumers.

Examples of "contemporize" in Sentences

  • "What we did was contemporize it," Ms. Gibson-Ullman says of the changes.
  • Kevin's debut is part of Archie Comics 'larger efforts to contemporize the characters' world.
  • Even though Ferrera plans to "contemporize" the tale, with Forest on board my money's still on the latter project to be the much more interesting.
  • Now is the time to revisit and "contemporize" the Condominium Act. After all, if the social housing sector has been afforded that latitude, why not the condominium sector?
  • I was just happy to be able to put my own stamp on it and contemporize it a little bit, but really pay a lot of homage to the original intentions of the songwriters there.
  • Hancock had the visuals and naturalism that could nicely contemporize Ghostbusters, and the only thing that would hold this baby back is the script (Hancock's biggest problem).
  • The A-Team has a huge following and these comics, much like the upcoming film, contemporize this enormously popular action-adventure franchise and deliver fresh, compelling stories and art to the fans, said Virginia King, Vice President U.S.

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