IPA: kʌntˈɛmptʌbˈɪɫʌti
- The quality of being contemptible.
Examples of "contemptibility" in Sentences
- But Darnley's brief rapprochement with the lords was soon over; his intolerable arrogance was made the worse by his contemptibility.
- My smallness, my contemptibility, I had unwittingly flaunted before him, regarding such things, at that time as signs of my depth and cleverness.
- Now the responses represent a sort of “contemptibility” index – if a current stay-at-home mother accepts “only” $50,000 or $100,000 to work, she will be reproached.
- Any brave act they may suddenly do, when for a moment they forget that they have not the honour to be boys, is almost instantly made into contemptibility by a sudden attack of crybabyishness.
- I suspect this entire article was just a cover for making another slam on Palin, who, rather than being defined by her enemies, is building her influence on the contemptibility of her critics.
- How would you feel like being a commodity of your family show case serving tea and biscuits for a skinny gook who checks you out from head to toe just to judge if you meet his mediocre contemptibility.
- Some may suppose that the first discovery excludes the last; but such forget that there is the same difference between cussedness and contemptibility that exists between the leopard and the louse, between a Cuban hurricane and the crapulous eructations of a chronic hoodlum.
- Nothing of similar contemptibility has been seen yet this year although, having not yet seen Blood Diamond or The Last King of Scotland, perhaps I should keep my mouth shut, so even if the least of the ultimate Best Picture nominees wins, the state of things will be better, even if only incidentally.