IPA: kɑntʌnˈɛntʌɫ
- Someone from the continent.
- (US, historical) A member of the Continental army.
- (US, historical) Paper scrip (paper money) issued by the continental congress, largely worthless by the end of the war.
- (obsolete, by extension) The smallest amount; a whit; a jot.
- Synonym of European (a denizen of Europe)
- (UK) A denizen of continental Europe
- (UK) A denizen of the European Union
- (historical, US, UK) A denizen of the colonies of British North America covered by the Continental Congress.
- Of or relating to a continent or continents.
- Of the mainland, as opposed to an island offshore.
- (chiefly UK) Relating to, or characteristic of, continental Europe.
- (US, historical) Of or relating to the confederated colonies collectively, in the time of the Revolutionary War.
- Synonym of European (including insular Europe, such as Britain, Ireland)
- (historical, US, UK) Pertaining to the colonies of British North America covered by the Continental Congress.
- (UK) Alternative form of continental, continental European. [Of or relating to a continent or continents.]
- (UK) Alternative form of continental (pertaining to the European Union). [Of or relating to a continent or continents.]
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