
IPA: kʌntˈɪndʒʌnsi


  • (uncountable) The quality of being contingent, of happening by chance.
  • (countable) A possibility; something which may or may not happen. A chance occurrence, especially in finance, unexpected expenses.
  • (finance, countable) An amount of money which a party to a contract has to pay to the other party (usually the supplier of a major project to the client) if he or she does not fulfill the contract according to the specification.
  • (logic, countable) A statement which is neither a tautology nor a contradiction.

Examples of "contingency" in Sentences

  • The "extra" contingency from the tolling is already primarily city resident paid.
  • Also, am I wrong in thinking that the contingency is based on a lot of assumptions?
  • The contingency is about 400 million, the extra-bonus tolling could be 400 million.
  • The U.S. government depends heavily on what it calls "contingency contracting" to support the war effort in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • You are right, we have -- in contingency contracting in Iraq, in the early years, did not have the tradecraft and the controls that were appropriate.
  • Please tell the mayor that the contingency is not the line item cost of tunnel boring and should not be treated as such when stating that the tunnel boring could go 90% over estimate.
  • The contingency is 415 million, and there is another 400 million contingency tolling, please look at page two of the estimate, the tunnel boring estimated cost is $350 million dollars.
  • The international lenders also attempted to make informed estimates on the loan losses, earmarking another possible €25 billion for what they described as a "contingency" fund, which the authorities here implied would never be used only, no matter the circumstances.
  • Mainly, officials say, that any planning that is going on for Iraq (sic) right now is what they call contingency planning, not operational planning, not looking at yet trying yet to match troops, airplane ships, assets against any type of plan in order to make it happen.
  • Originally Locog was looking at releasing these tickets, which they call "contingency tickets" at the end of November or early December, but it appears nailing down the availability of every seat is taking longer than expected and they now won't go onto the market until well after the festive season.

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