IPA: kʌntˈɪndʒʌnt
- An event which may or may not happen; that which is unforeseen, undetermined, or dependent on something future.
- That which falls to one in a division or apportionment among a number; a suitable share.
- (military) A quota of troops.
- Possible or liable, but not certain to occur.
- (with upon or on) Dependent on something that is undetermined or unknown, that may or may not occur.
- Not logically necessarily true or false.
- Temporary.
Examples of "contingent" in Sentences
- The Boston contingent is looking for a nice dinner spot near the Brooklyn Lyceum.
- FINNEGAN: A lot of people now then are part of what you describe as the contingent workforce.
- Horowitz argues that the term "contingent" is outdated and should no longer be used to describe workers.
- This contingent is ably represented, this time out, by Marta Salij of the Detroit Free Press and Tom Deveson of the Times.
- We keep reading that the female hunting contingent is increasing, while the male hunting contingent is decreasing in our population.
- The term "contingent resources" is a broader description of potentially recoverable volumes than proved, probable and possible reserves, as defined by the SEC regulations.
- And if there is such an idea as the idea of a contingent being ” if ˜contingent being™ is a meaningful phrase ”, then there would seem to be such an idea as the complement of that idea, the idea of a necessary being, the idea of a being of which it is false that it might not have existed.
- Thus the soul is, on one side, linked to the unchangeable and the eternal, being formed of that ineffable element which constitutes the _real_ or _immutable Being_, and on the other side, linked to the sensible and the contingent, being formed of that element which is purely _relative_ and _contingent_.