
IPA: kɑntrʌdˈɪkt


  • To deny the truth or validity of (a statement or statements).
  • To oppose (a person) by denying the truth or pertinence of a given statement.
  • To be contrary to (something).
  • (obsolete) To give an order contrary to (another order or wish), oppose (something).
  • (obsolete) To give an order contrary to one given by (another person), oppose or resist (someone).
  • (obsolete) To speak against; to forbid.

Examples of "contradict" in Sentences

  • #31 – Coldlimptruth – see posts 12, 19, and 27 … they show how Karls word contradict Karls words.
  • But Suong also smiled tolerantly when the others boasted to us and never said a word to contradict them.
  • Even the word contradict implies a civilized disagreement “Father, I beg to differ with you” as opposed to the humiliating public showdowns many of us have experienced.
  • If it makes you feel good to believe that Obama is a narco-terrorist socialist Nazi Muslim crypto-fascist dictator from another planet, then, hey, it's true (or truthy, in Colbert's lexicon) and never mind that all those terms contradict each other.
  • The meanings and inferences associated with the subject (omnipotence = physical power) of a counterintuitive expression contradict those associated with the predicate (insubstantial = lack of physical substance), as in the expressions “the bachelor is married” or “the deceased is alive.”

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