IPA: kɑntrʌvˈɛntʃʌn
- The act of contravening a rule, regulation, or law, or of not fulfilling an obligation, promise, or agreement.
Examples of "contravention" in Sentences
- They are treated in contravention of all medical laws.
- The US, in contravention to the NPT, makes an inside deal with India to give them access to all kinds of nuclear technology, etc.
- That way lies scientistic dismissals of heavier-than-air flight because this would clearly be in contravention of the law of gravity.
- Then on Friday came the coup de grace: the Formula One Teams 'Association pointed out that the FIA's action was in contravention of its own regulations:
- Subsidised health care is not a constitutional right, and there's obviously no support for making it, in contravention of the Constitution, an entitlement.
- Article II does not grant the Executive unlimited authority to defend the nation in contravention of duly passed Congressional legislation forbidding specific behaviours
- So why would the BBC ignore a story about an African government's armed forces bombing a town and killing civilians in contravention of a peace deal and UN Security Council resolutions?
- Reminds one of the Human Genome Project and other sequencing projects — genuine science resulted, but it was virtually all in contravention to the early promises made in order to garner large scale govt. funding.
- Which is to say that any executor of an estate acting in contravention of the express wishes of the original creator is in breach of an implicit contract entered into in their acceptance of the copyright as part of their inheritance.