
IPA: kʌnvˈɛksʌti


  • The state of being convex.
  • A convex line or surface.
  • (finance) A measure of the curvature in the relationship between the prices and yields of bonds.

Examples of "convexity" in Sentences

  • I can understand the convexity of the graph bryce Says:
  • In the so-called convexity hedging, mortgage securities holders sell Treasurys to hedge against rising rates.
  • Traders said hedging related to mortgage debt, or so-called convexity selling, also played a part Wednesday in pressuring Treasury yields higher.
  • Since mortgage security owners are short the option (the opposite of borrowers, who are long the option), they use the term "negative convexity."
  • Hence hypotheses normally refer to some qualitative properties of the functions that allegedly emerge from the formalism, such as convexity or monotony.
  • Because the field of scalars is real or complex, vector spaces also come with the notion of convexity, which turns out to be crucial in many aspects of analysis.
  • The play of concavity and convexity is announced by a pair of Tanktotems, watchful, hieratic personages built out of slender, vertical steel components and sliced tank ends.
  • Depending on the structural nature of the objects such as convexity and disjointness, the resulting clipped object may itself be disjoint or may contain islands and other interesting properties.
  • Recently, I am studying on the Gurson Model, but it is a little bit hard for me to understand most part in the paper 'Continuum Theory of Ductile Rupture by Void Nucleation and Growth', I don't know about the spirit of deduction of formulas and some keywords make me confused, like 'convexity'and' normality ',' loci ', many .... jingzheng on Fri, 2009-03-06 17: 00. pvdesnips on Thu, 2009-03-26 08: 21. on Thu, 2009-04-16 07: 06.

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synonyms for convexitydescribing words for convexity

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