IPA: kʌni
- A rabbit, especially the European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus (formerly known as Lepus cuniculus).
- (UK, dialect) Rabbit fur.
- Locally for other rabbit-like or hyrax-like animals, such as the Cape hyrax (das, dassie) or the pika (Ochotona princeps, formerly Lagomys princeps).
- Used in the Old Testament as a translation of Hebrew שָׁפָן (shafán), thought to be the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis, syn. Hyrax syriacus).
- (obsolete) A simpleton; one who may be taken in by a cony-catcher.
- An edible West Indian fish, a grouper given in different sources as: Epinephelus apua, the hind of Bermuda; nigger-fish, Epinephelus punctatus; Cephalopholis fulva.
- Several species of tropical west Atlantic groupers of family Epinephelidae, such as the mutton hamlet, graysby, Cuban coney, and rooster hind.
- (UK, dialect) The burbot.
- (obsolete) A woman; a sweetheart.
- Alternative form of CONY Abbreviation of City of New York. (New York City)
- Abbreviation of City of New York. (New York City) [New York (New York City), a city in the State of New York of the United States of America.]
Examples of "cony" in Sentences
- Eyes of Noctum anagrams to “cony emo fetus” Coincidence?
- Obama will lose in 2012 '... and we can begin to undo all of his socialist programs .... cony
- He should be the one that should go to jail for a very long time as far as I am concerned. cony
- Unfortunately, they fail to comprehend the basis for the citizenry's disdain and mistrust. cony
- Then he let the cony-catcher go and returned home, drunken with chagrin and concern as with wine.
- Perhaps though the word cony should be reserved for the title of the following "Shoulda Woulda Coulda"!
- A deer was said to be broken, a cony unlaced, a pheasant, partridge, or quail winged, a pigeon or a woodcock thighed, a plover minced, a mallard unbraced.
- For most part in these kind of disports 'tis not art or skill, but subtlety, cony-catching, knavery, chance and fortune carries all away: 'tis ambulatoria pecunia,
- Hebrews, rendered "cony" in the English Bible, is a very different animal; that it has a nearer resemblance to the hedgehog, the bear, the mouse, the jerboa, or the marmot, though it is not any of these.
- So the cony-catcher went up to the ass and, loosing it from the halter, gave the beast to his fellow; then he haltered his own head and followed Tom Fool till he knew the other had got clean off with the ass, when he stood still.