
IPA: kˈuɫhɛdɪd


  • Having an even temper; calm and collected

Examples of "coolheaded" in Sentences

  • Sami, usually very coolheaded, rang my room, asking if I was OK.
  • Men love to prove they can drive every thought out of even the most coolheaded woman.
  • "We don't have a situation where we can have coolheaded discussions," one government official said.
  • Though Zuckerberg had stayed coolheaded during the News Feed crisis, the young CEO was now unnerved.
  • For the most part, he was coolheaded, especially for a rage demon, and remained rational even as hour upon hour lagged by.
  • He urged governments and conservationists to be "coolheaded," saying: "Our decisions on these important issues must not be based on emotion but credible scientific data."
  • The postgame analysis in the media, though, was that the coolheaded Obama had won the night, displaying a firm grasp of the facts, while John, they tried to convince voters, had seemed irritable and condescending.
  • And despite her remarkable command of languages, razor-sharp mind and transcendent abilities as a ruler -- "every bit Caesar's equal as a coolheaded, clear-eyed pragmatist" -- it is the libidinous queen who lives on.
  • At that exact moment of terrestrial frenzy, our own Venerable Captain Star Ice, who is known for his coolheaded analysis and time-tested platinum nerves under all conditions of adversity, started to emit a guttural perturbation that soon increased its pitch to a high decibel roar:

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