
IPA: kˈuɫi


  • (obsolete) coolish; somewhat cool in temperature


  • At a moderately low temperature.
  • In a cool, unpanicked or collected manner.
  • With calm impudence.

Examples of "coolly" in Sentences

  • Even his name is coolly, absurdly, missing one of its Rs.
  • Barlow turned in after him but hesitated when Kendric called coolly:
  • To tell him what she thought of him in coolly considered, cold-measured terms?
  • Rookie Anthony Carter, again coolly filling in for Hardaway, had 10 points and 13 assists, a Heat franchise playoff record.
  • In fact, the commanders of these steamships, being accustomed to encounter continually all sorts of emergencies, difficulties, and dangers, get in the habit of taking every thing very coolly, which is, indeed, always the best way.
  • Priest Captain's party, in whose chest was a great hole made by a spear-thrust -- and at a sign from Tizoc one of our men stepped aside, and with a blow of his heavy sword coolly mashed in the wounded man's skull, and so finished him.
  • During the whole course of the journey both Lemm and Lavretsky spoke little to one another; each was occupied with his own thoughts, and each was glad not to be disturbed by the other; and they parted rather coolly, which is often the way, however, with friends in Russia.
  • Theriere was upon her, and then, quickly, he mastered himself, for he recalled his coolly thought-out plan based on what Divine had told him of that clause in the will of the girl's departed grandparent which stipulated that the man who shared the bequest with her must be the choice of both herself and her father.
  • Never maintain an argument with heat and clamor, though you think or know yourself to be in the right: but give your opinion modestly and coolly, which is the only way to convince; and, if that does not do, try to change the conversation, by saying, with good humor, “We shall hardly convince one another, nor is it necessary that we should, so let us talk of something else.”

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