IPA: kˈɑp
- (informal) A police officer or prison guard.
- (obsolete) A spider.
- (crafts) The ball of thread wound on to the spindle in a spinning machine.
- (obsolete) The top, summit, especially of a hill.
- (obsolete) The crown (of the head); also the head itself.
- A roughly dome-shaped piece of armor, especially one covering the shoulder, the elbow, or the knee.
- A tube or quill upon which silk is wound.
- (architecture, military) A merlon.
- (uncountable, UK) Initialism of close of play. [(cricket) The end of a day's play.]
- (law, politics) Initialism of conference of the parties; also CoP or Cop.
- (military) Initialism of common operational picture.
- (Ireland, medicine) Initialism of community ophthalmic physician.
- Initialism of coefficient of performance.
- Initialism of code of practice. [A set of guidelines and regulations to be followed by members of some profession, trade, occupation, organization etc.; does not normally have the force of law.]
- Alternative letter-case form of COP (“conference of the parties”)
- (transitive, formerly dialect, now informal) To obtain, to purchase (as in drugs), to get hold of, to take.
- (transitive) To (be forced to) take; to receive; to shoulder; to bear, especially blame or punishment for a particular instance of wrongdoing.
- (transitive, trainspotting, slang) To see and record a railway locomotive for the first time.
- (transitive) To steal.
- (transitive) To adopt.
- (intransitive, usually with “to”, slang) To admit, especially to a crime or wrongdoing.
- (transitive, slang) Of a pimp: to recruit a prostitute into the stable.
Examples of "cop" in Sentences
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