IPA: kˈɔrpɝʌɫ
- (military) A non-commissioned officer army rank with NATO code OR-4. The rank below a sergeant but above a lance corporal and private.
- A non-commissioned officer rank in the police force, below a sergeant but above a private or patrolman.
- (mining, historical) A worker in charge of the wagonway, reporting to the deputy.
- (ecclesiastical) The white linen cloth on which the elements of the Eucharist are placed; a communion cloth.
- (archaic) Having a physical, tangible body; material, corporeal.
- Of or pertaining to the body, especially the human body; bodily.
- (zoology) Pertaining to the body (the thorax and abdomen), as distinguished from the head, limbs and wings, etc.
Examples of "corporal" in Sentences
- Some of them, we had to use what you call corporal punishment.
- Marine Corps corporal is a leading proponent of one of the toughest immigration laws in the country.
- Oelschig replied counter-revolutionary wars were often referred to as corporal, lieutenant or sergeants 'wars.
- I think it will be WONDERFUL not to have a body ... as much as my body gives me (and others) a lot of pleasure, being corporal is a very heavy way to exist.
- When Father arrives at the altar he removes the corporal from the burse and unfolds it on the mensa, placing the chalice which he has carried with him on top of the corporal.
- With teachers still raw from the layoffs, she told a business magazine that an unspecified number of the sacked educators "had had sex" with students or had engaged in corporal punishment.
- He waited a moment or two as if willing to give the old woman time to speak: then, when he saw that she kept her thin, quivering lips resolutely glued together he called his corporal to him.