
IPA: kɝˈɛktɪv


  • Something that corrects or counteracts something.
  • (obsolete) Limitation; restriction.


  • Of or pertaining to correction; serving to correct.
  • (obsolete) Qualifying; limiting.

Examples of "corrective" in Sentences

  • Usually, no such corrective is available in politics.
  • So the proposed corrective is overwhelmingly likely not to work.
  • President Obama has been only concerned with speed rather than long term corrective actions.
  • Thus, the court granted an injunction and damages for millions of dollars in corrective advertising.
  • The 74-year-old Boswell spent time in the hospital this summer for what he described as a corrective procedure related to a major surgery three years ago.
  • This brief citation of four major mistakes - I do not pretend that they are all - but this brief citation of four will help, I hope, to point the way to certain corrective measures.
  • The current overbought/oversold situation for the major indices suggests that while there is some upside potential in this market, it comes with the risk of short-term corrective phases.
  • When the writer of Hebrews pointed out that no discipline seems pleasant at the time, he was referring to corrective discipline, and he was essentially saying that if correction is not painful to the person corrected, it will have no effect.
  • "Yet the U.S. dollar, which clearly has no friends at all, didn't get even a short-term corrective bounce," said RBC Capital Markets senior economist Su-Lin Ong. "This is significant given the market has pared back expectations of Fed cuts and the market was pretty short U.S. dollars."

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