IPA: kɝɔbɝˈeɪʃʌn
- The act of corroborating, strengthening, or confirming; addition of strength; confirmation
- That which corroborates.
Examples of "corroboration" in Sentences
- MORET: Trent, I heard the chief use the word corroboration -- we're looking for corroboration.
- And, Jim, as you know, as an attorney, you know, the word corroboration typically has -- has a-- has a real meaning in court.
- So when I hear the word corroboration, if I'm a lawyer for any one of these five or six doctors, I am really understanding that this case may be ratcheted up.
- But every time he pushed for more evidence or corroboration from a witness, the story collapsed -- the actual person who was spat on turned out to be a friend of a friend.
- He quotes Stanley Lane Poole in corroboration: "The degradation of women in the East is a canker that begins its destructive work early in childhood, and has eaten into the whole system of Islam."
- This prize is in corroboration of the general agreement that you have laid a foundation, which will last for all time and that we have already witnessed the great development of constructive work founded on your pioneer achievement.
- I think that the corroboration from the Montgomery County PD that they were there should be sufficient, regardless of the denials issuing forth from Chief Lanier and her people (who have prevaricated before and whose veracity is suspect).
- They thought they were fighting against a universal conspiracy against them, and I believe this view gains a certain amount of corroboration from the fact that the military collapse of Germany was due in part-I say only in part-to the fact that there were crowds of German soldiers who had begun to realize that Germany was engaged not in a war of defense, but a war of aggression.