IPA: kɝˈʌpt
- (transitive) To make corrupt; to change from good to bad; to draw away from the right path; to deprave; to pervert.
- (archaic, intransitive) To become putrid, tainted, or otherwise impure; to putrefy; to rot.
- (transitive) To introduce errors; to place into an invalid state.
- To debase or make impure by alterations or additions; to falsify.
- To waste, spoil, or consume; to make worthless.
- Willing to act dishonestly for personal gain; accepting bribes.
- In a depraved state; debased; perverted; morally degenerate; weak in morals.
- Abounding in errors; not genuine or correct; in an invalid state.
- In a putrid state; spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound.
Examples of "corrupt" in Sentences
- He says the people don't want a conflict, just the end of what he calls the corrupt regime.
- Every time I read something about Scott Walker, the term "corrupt totalitarian regime" crawls into my head.
- Besigye has held five "walk to work" demonstrations to protest rising prices and what he calls a corrupt government.
- In the same speech, he said American soldiers in Vietnam had watched U.S. tax dollars support what he called a corrupt, dictatorial regime.
- Ms. Palin gave the keynote speech at the conference, pausing throughout as the audience stood and cheered her critique of Mr. Obama and what she described as a corrupt Washington political culture.
- You know, one of the things you mention, Mark, is you talk about all the instances where these justices have been wrong in the past, not only wrong, morally wrong, at times morally bankrupt, and even, I think, the term corrupt could be used.
- Paul says, He that cometh to God must believe (Heb.xi. 6); and Christ says the same thing: Either make the tree good and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and his fruit corrupt (Matt.xii. 33), as much as to say, He who wishes to have good fruit will begin with the tree, and plant a good one; even so he who wishes to do good works must begin, not by working, but by believing, since it is this which makes the person good.
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