
IPA: kɑzmˈɑgrʌfi


  • The creation of maps of the universe.
  • The study of the size and geometry of the universe and changes in those with cosmic time.

Examples of "cosmography" in Sentences

  • Allah always listens, promise clerics, after cosmography corrects human error that told worshippers to face Somalia
  • "Mounted then upon a dragon's back, /That with his wings did part the subtle air,/He now is gone to prove cosmography."
  • The human mind therefore can engage not only in a “cosmography” studying measurable phenomena but also in a “cosmology” discerning the visible inner logic of the cosmos.
  • And do be aware of how the professional researchers in many fields are using internet-supplied input from amateurs for many kinds of research, ranging from biology to cosmography.
  • Ma'ruf Amin from the MUI said a "thorough study with some cosmography and astronomy experts" revealed that Indonesian Muslims had been facing southern Somalia and Kenya instead of Mecca, which is more than 1,000 miles further north.
  • The more flippant review at Back to the Mountains is amusing and delves more into the novel's cosmography, which looks reasonably interesting and rather complex, with Solandria intertwining with the real world; also, Solandria is apparently made up of "floating chunks of rock."
  • It was a shape which inspired all sorts of philosophical and scientific speculations (Kepler's cosmography, the carbon atom, Buckminster Fuller's geodesic structures ...), and the art department constructed models of various sizes which were set in African and lunar landscapes.
  • It is master of astronomy, it makes cosmography, counsels and corrects all the human arts, moves men to different parts of this world, is the prince of mathematics; its sciences are most certain, it has measured the height and size of the stars, generated architecture, perspective and divine painting ....
  • The description of the voyage is followed by what the writer calls a cosmography, in which is shown the distance they had sailed from the time they left the desert rocks at Madeira, and the probable size of the new world as compared with the old, with the relative area of land and water on the whole globe.

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