
IPA: kˈɑf


  • A sudden, often involuntary expulsion of air from the lungs through the glottis (causing a short, explosive sound), and out through the mouth.
  • A bout of repeated coughing (verb sense 2.1); also, a medical condition that causes one to cough.
  • (figurative) A noise or sound like a cough (sense 1).


  • (transitive)
  • Sometimes followed by up: to force (something) out of the lungs or throat by pushing air from the lungs through the glottis (causing a short, explosive sound), and out through the mouth.
  • To cause (oneself or something) to be in a certain condition in the manner described in sense 1.1.
  • To express (words, etc.) in the manner described in sense 1.1.
  • (figurative)
  • To surrender (information); to confess.
  • (originally US, slang) Chiefly followed by up: to give up or hand over (something); especially, to pay up (money).
  • (intransitive)
  • To push air from the lungs through the glottis (causing a short, explosive sound) and out through the mouth, usually to expel something blocking or irritating the airway.
  • To make a noise like a cough.
  • (originally US, slang) To surrender information; to confess, to spill the beans.

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