
IPA: kˈʌntri


  • The territory of a nation, especially an independent nation state or formerly independent nation; a political entity asserting ultimate authority over a geographical area; a sovereign state.
  • A set region of land having particular human occupation or agreed limits, especially inhabited by members of the same race, speakers of the same language etc., or associated with a given person, occupation, species etc.
  • (uncountable, usually preceded by “the”) A rural area, as opposed to a town or city; the countryside.
  • (chiefly Britain) An area of land; a district, region.
  • (Australia, usually capitalised) Traditional lands of Indigenous people with embedded cultural, spiritual, cosmological, ecological, and physical attributes and values.
  • (mining) The rock through which a vein runs.
  • Ellipsis of country music. [(music) A style of popular music that originated in the folk music of the rural population of the southern and western United States and characterized by string-band instruments and simple melodies.]


  • From or in the countryside or connected with it.
  • Of or connected to country music.
  • (India, historical) Originating in India rather than being imported from Europe or elsewhere.

Examples of "country" in Sentences

  • The country adopted the name of the city.
  • The city is the 6th most populous of the country.
  • The area leads the country in production of milk.
  • He prefers the solitude of the country to the city.
  • Osasco is the seventeen richest city in the country.
  • The epidemic spread to several areas of the Country.
  • Osasco is the seventeenth richest city in the country.
  • The breed is equally at home in the city or the country.
  • The electrical supply to the city is managed by the country.
  • The Conejo Valley area is one of the most affluent areas in the country.
  • At another time, when we were spending the summer at our country place, near the city, another citizen of the “auld country” presented himself and asked for work.
  • Abd-el-Hafid, proclaimed Sultan at Fez, was recognized by the whole country, but he found himself unable to cope with the factious tribes (those outside the Blad-el-Makhzen, or _governed country_).
  • We love our country because it is _our country_; our home because it is _home_: London or Paris we may prefer, as comprehending in themselves, all the intellectual pleasures, and luxuries of life: but, dear Italy!
  • Born in an American Stalinist medical facility**** to foreign parents, he spent his early years nomadically, drifting from country to country***** as his feckless father moved the family in search of lasting employment******.
  • I do know that they have done all that in them lay that they might have no country, —that all the honors, associations, memories, and hopes which belong to “country” might be broken up into little shreds and distributed to the winds.
  • _ The difference between this motto of the _Liberator_ and that of the _Free Press_: _Our country, our whole country, and nothing but our country_ -- measures the greatness of the revolution which had taken place in the young editor.
  • "_That the country of D'Elmina, which was formerly very powerful and populous, was in his time so much drained of its inhabitants by the intestine wars fomented amongst the Negroes by the Dutch, that there did not remain inhabitants enough to till the country_."
  • -- While his regiment was in daily expectation of receiving orders for Ireland, some one told him, that country quarters in the sister kingdom were so filthy, that the rich uniforms of his corps would soon be lamentably soiled: 'Let the men act as dragoons, then,' said his royal highness, 'and _scour the country_.'
  • Taking all these circumstances into view, it is not going too far to assert, that on equal fortunes the assessed taxes are _twice as heavy_ in the country as in towns; and that of £3,312,000 which they produce annually, after deducting the land tax, about £2,500,000, is paid by _landowners either in town or country_.
  • “As a result of the serious work that the Government, Parliament, the general public and the judiciary have done since 1994 to place our country on path of fundamental social transformation, the Government is firmly of the view that, substantially, we have elaborated the policy, legislative and constitutional base that will enable us to achieve the transformation of our country…

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