
IPA: kɝˈeɪdʒʌsɫi


  • In a courageous manner; bravely; boldly.

Examples of "courageously" in Sentences

  • What you are documenting, so courageously, is real-life tragedy.
  • One of the factors in the present situation that we must look upon realistically, and I hope courageously, is unemployment.
  • Staying on and missing arguments and too sick to read motions and direct clerks work, under heavy drugs, but "courageously" voting..
  • "As the tragedy unfolded, the crew of the Bankston were the first to respond," he said, adding that they acted "courageously" to save the 115 survivors.
  • After holding the title courageously for most of his adult life, Ray Comfort has been forced to relinquish his unofficial designation of World's Stupidest Christian ™.
  • I've found that it's best to stick to a reality-based approach to economic policy and particularly so when I see politicians "courageously" trying to buy votes with tax cut promises.
  • In short, McCain courageously chose to pander unconvincingly, thus indicating to Fineman via a secret decoder ring of some kind that he’s still willing to take courageous stands as long as he doesn’t need to take them publicly or pay a political price for doing so.
  • Then you being well tipled, and deceived by the obscurity of the night, drew out your sword courageously like furious Ajax, and kild not as he did, whole heard of beastes, but three blowne skinnes, to the intent that I, after the slaughter of so many enemies, without effusion of bloud might embrace and kisse, not an homicide but an Utricide.
  • Us, presumably meaning he and his deceptive and manipulative Vice President, who on rare occasions "courageously" sneak into and out of undisclosed safe positions in Iraq under cover of darkness, protected by gunship helicopters and hundreds of soldiers, all the while striving to make America not the last, best hope but rather the worst fear of peace-seeking mankind the world over.

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