
IPA: kˈɔrt


  • An enclosed space; a courtyard; an uncovered area shut in by the walls of a building, or by different buildings; also, a space opening from a street and nearly surrounded by houses; a blind alley.
  • (Australia, US) A street with no outlet, a cul-de-sac.
  • (Hong Kong, only used in names) A housing estate under the House Ownership Scheme.
  • (Hong Kong, only used in names) An apartment building, or a small development of several apartment buildings.
  • (social) Royal society.
  • The residence of a sovereign, prince, nobleman, or other dignitary; a palace.
  • The collective body of persons composing the retinue of a sovereign or person high in authority; all the surroundings of a sovereign in his regal state.
  • Any formal assembling of the retinue of a sovereign.
  • Attention directed to a person in power; behaviour designed to gain favor; politeness of manner; civility towards someone
  • (law) The administration of law.
  • The hall, chamber, or place, where justice is administered.
  • The persons officially assembled under authority of law, at the appropriate time and place, for the administration of justice; an official assembly, legally met together for the transaction of judicial business; a judge or judges sitting for the hearing or trial of cases.
  • An organization for the administration of law, consisting of a body of judges with a certain jurisdiction along with its administrative apparatus.
  • (often capitalized) The judge or judges or other judicial officer presiding in a particular matter, particularly as distinguished from the counsel or jury, or both.
  • The session of a judicial assembly.
  • Any jurisdiction, civil, military, or ecclesiastical.
  • (sports) A place arranged for playing the games of tennis, basketball, handball, badminton, volleyball, squash and some other games
  • one of the two divisions of a tennis, badminton or volleyball court, in which the player or players of each team play
  • (ornithology) A space prepared and decorated by certain bird species in which to advertise themselves for a mate.
  • A surname from Middle English for someone who worked or lived in a court.
  • A municipality in Bern canton, Switzerland.


  • (transitive) To seek to achieve or win.
  • (transitive) To risk (a consequence, usually negative).
  • (transitive) To try to win a commitment to marry from.
  • (transitive) To engage in behavior leading to mating.
  • (transitive) To attempt to attract.
  • (transitive) To invite by attractions; to allure; to attract.
  • (transitive) To attempt to gain alliance with.
  • (intransitive) To engage in activities intended to win someone's affections.
  • (intransitive) To engage in courtship behavior.

Examples of "court" in Sentences

  • Some held that the new court was a _de facto court_, and to be respected accordingly.
  • After that, Weber's next day in court is expected to be a Jan. 14 preliminary hearing.
  • In the state of New York the judge of this court is called _surrogate_, and the court is called _surrogate's court_.
  • The court next higher than a justice's court, is a court held in each county, generally called a _county court_, or _court of common pleas_.
  • The part about non-miranidzed statements not being admissible in court is the remedy prescribed by the Supreme Court for when happens when the police violate the law.
  • Undoubtedly, upon a writ of error to a State court, unless the record shows a case that gives jurisdiction, the case must be dismissed for want of jurisdiction in _this court_.
  • In New York there is a "supremest" court, styled the _court of appeals_, which has the power of revising sundry judgments of the supreme court; and there is something similar in New
  • There is a court for the trial of persons guilty of disturbing the peace, and of such other minor offenses as are usually punishable by imprisonment in the county jail, called _police court_.
  • Of course some of my court appearances before the crowned heads of Europe are dear to me, not so much because they were _court_ appearances, but because of the graciousness and appreciation of the highly placed personages for whom I played.
  • Long before the hour set for the trial of the alleged Eunice Volrees on the charge of bigamy the court house yard and the corridors were full of people, but, strange to say, the _court room_ in which the trial was to take place, though open, was not occupied.

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