IPA: kˈɔrtʃɪp
- (countable, uncountable) The act of paying court, that is, demonstrating such politeness and respect as is traditionally given at a court (“a formal assembly of a sovereign's retinue”).
- (obsolete) The ceremonial performance of acts of courtesy to a dignitary, etc.
- The act of wooing a person to enter into a romantic relationship or marriage; hence, the period during which a couple fall in love before their marriage.
- (by extension) The behaviour exhibited by an animal to attract a mate.
- (figuratively) The act of trying to solicit a favour or support from someone.
- (countable, uncountable, obsolete) Elegance or propriety of manners fitting for a court; courtliness; (by extension) courteous or polite behaviour; courtesy.
- (uncountable, obsolete) The pursuit of being a courtier, such as exercising diplomacy, finesse, etc.; also, the artifices and intrigues of a court; courtcraft.
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