
IPA: krˈæʃ


  • A sudden, intense, loud sound, as made for example by cymbals.
  • An automobile, airplane, or other vehicle accident.
  • (computing) A malfunction of computer software or hardware which causes it to shut down or become partially or totally inoperable.
  • (finance) A sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures).
  • (informal) A comedown from a drug.
  • (collective) A group of rhinoceroses.
  • (ecology) A sudden decline in any living form's population levels, often leading to extinction.
  • (textiles) A type of rough linen.


  • (intransitive) To collide with something destructively, fall or come down violently.
  • (transitive) To cause something to collide with something else, especially when this results in damage.
  • (transitive) To hit or strike with force
  • To make a sudden loud noise.
  • (transitive, management) To accelerate a project or a task or its schedule by devoting more resources to it.
  • (intransitive, slang) To make or experience informal temporary living arrangements, especially overnight.
  • (transitive, slang) To give, as a favor.
  • (intransitive, slang) To lie down for a long rest, sleep or nap, as from tiredness or exhaustion.
  • (intransitive) To experience a period of depression and/or lethargy after a period of euphoria, as after the euphoric effect of a psychotropic drug has dissipated.
  • (computing, hardware, software, intransitive) To terminate or halt execution due to an exception.
  • (computing, hardware, software, transitive) To cause an exception that terminates or halts execution.
  • To take a sudden and severe turn for the worse; to rapidly and catastrophically deteriorate.
  • (transitive, slang) Short for gatecrash. [To attend a social event without having been invited, or without having paid.]


  • Quick, fast, intensive, impromptu.

Examples of "crash" in Sentences

  • CNN's Richard Quest got what they call a crash course.
  • Whether you start out cautious or excited, the crash is the same either way.
  • You can just hear, through the crash, the shriek of a third and fourth shell as they come tearing down the vault of heaven -- _crash -- crash_.
  • In a four-stroke engine to see dirt bike is sturdy and durable, perfect for a rookie pilot who is likely to be familiar with the term crash and burn.
  • For some odd reason, people who work in a field where the word crash brings to mind human injury rather than balky software tend to work slowly and methodically.
  • The _crash, crash, crash, crash_ of four heavy shells, one following another almost as quickly as you would read the words, focused all one's attention on that point.
  • Another critical piece of evidence concerning the nature of this crash is the relatively large section of anti-G garment that was recovered unburned with the zipper still closed.
  • In fact, all I really remember of the crash is a long time of crunching and jolting, just before something tore open my door and sent me hurtling out into empty space, that swallowed me up in a black abyss.
  • He thinks the crash is the best thing that ever happened to him, that he now can eat the strawberries he was previously seriously allergic to, that he can truly savor life, that he's already dead, that he's invulnerable - he walks through traffic, shouting to the sky, "You want to kill me, but you can't!", and throws away his son's videogame because in real life people don't come back to life.

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